£9.99 GBP

How much is bad pitching/presenting costing you?

Watch the mini-course and make 5 simple changes to your pitch/presentation that will save you from going home empty-handed.

- Avoid the 5 most common mistakes

- Charm your British-LatAm prospects

- Build trust & close more deals!


Get the Mini-course for only £12-.

BOND - eBook


BOND will be released on 27 August 2024. Pre-order your e-copy today and enjoy 20% OFF with code BOND-20. You'll receive and email with instructions to access your copy on the day it's released.

Learn how to use the Slot and Flow Systems™ to improve your British-LatAm interactions and build stronger bonds with your partners and collaborators across the Atlantic - old and new.

What you'll get:

  • Learn the culture
  • Boost your awareness
  • Take aligned action

BOND will take you from feeling baffled and self-conscious to being able to carry yourself as the confident professional you are - even if you speak the other language and have been working internationally for a while.

⚠️ I use the Glassboxx service for delivery of my ebooks. Files are not suitable for Kindles and can only be read via the Glassboxx app, downloaded to your phone or tablet.