A few years ago, my role as Interpreting Tutor at the University of Surrey had me thinking about certain key aspects of our profession I had not...
Over the years, I have noticed there is a very curious phenomenon that happens in every meeting or event where good interpreting is provided. I...
Equipped with my talent and super interpreting skills but with no gadgets, I’d be like Batman walking the streets in plain clothes on a...
Interpreters are some of the most resilient professionals I know. We have proved so again and again over the last few years – and we are...
My second book is out! This one is about diplomatic interpreting, how it is practised, and why I believe it should be a...
In 2004, Jean-Paul Nerriere coined the term Globish, a combination of the words Global and English, to describe the English spoken...
On the day Her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II is finally laid to rest after seventy years of service to her nation and the world, here are three...
Confidentiality is at the centre of the interpreting profession and drives interpreters to guard the content of conferences, meetings,...
Us, interpreters, are a rare breed. We walk all corners of the globe and work in a myriad of scenarios and situations.
Diplomatic Interpreters
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