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Tips, musings, and resourcesĀ in my usual practical style.

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My Argentine Spanish & LatAm conversational dimension latin america

Ir a la Nota en español.

After a lot of work, MULTILATERAL’s website is finally available in Spanish!

Everything in it is now bilingual, from pages and...

The Coveted Back Effect featured in musings

Ir a la Nota en español.

Over the years, I have noticed there is a very curious phenomenon that happens in every meeting or event where good interpreting is...

I'm not Superman, I'm Batman musings

Ir a la Nota en español.

Equipped with my talent and super interpreting skills but with no gadgets, I’d be like Batman walking the streets in plain clothes...

Interpreter v. 'Interpretator' featured in musings

Ir a la Nota en español.

Interpreters are some of the most resilient professionals I know. We have proved so again and again over the last few years – and we...

Defining the Diplomatic Interpreting Blueprint conversational dimension diplomatic interpreting featured in

Ir a la Nota en español.

My second book is out! This one is about diplomatic interpreting, how it is practised, and why I believe it...

Globish & Interpreting - A Match Made on Earth conversational dimension diplomatic interpreting

Ir a la Nota en español.

In 2004, Jean-Paul Nerriere coined the term Globish, a combination of the words Global and English, to describe the English...

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Proud to have been featured in:

CeciliaĀ Lipovsek
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Iā€™m a diplomatic interpreter, author, speaker, and British-LatAm Engagement coach. My commitment to you is that Iā€™ll always keep it practical.